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2023.09.03 全球唯一的佛教電子音樂節 Awaken Music Festival醒醒音樂節

Dharma 達摩樂隊將在10月7日至8日登上 Legacy 傳 音樂展演空間 ,參與全球唯一的佛教電子音樂節 Awaken Music Festival醒醒音樂節
Dharma 達摩樂隊,將與 Kenny MusikTinna Tình - Tinna SetiKelsang Chukie Tethong 葛莎雀吉、 共同演出Dharma 達摩樂隊是這次演出中唯一的重金屬樂團,將以強烈的死亡金屬「經典、咒語」來為大家帶來震撼的演出!敬請期待!
更多的活動詳情,請大家隨時關注 Awaken Music Festival醒醒音樂節
Dharma will be performing at the Taipei Legacy Max on October 7th to 8th, taking part in the world's only Buddhist electronic music festival, Awaken Music Festival! Dharma Band is the sole heavy metal band in this event and will deliver a powerful performance with their intense death metal music. Stay tuned and don't miss out!
For more event details, please keep an eye on Awaken Music Festival