About Dharma

Our Beliefs 

Our goal is to increase the visibility of Buddhist and Taoist culture,using a new way to perform ancient Buddhist mantras.

By playing shows and festivals worldwide, we will be able to reach the younger generation exerting a subtle influence and spread the ideals of our chosen faith and philosophy.

Dharma is a band which incorporates traditional Buddhist mantras and sutras as our chosen medium of expression.

We’d love you to be Buddhist also, but we respect and believe that every religion or a good belief are also a choice of faith.

Our music is for people of all faiths, colors, and creeds, and for people of no religion at all.






The Change Starts Now 


The ancient ways need reinventing, and metal music itself is in need of change.  


Dharma has done just that.




Creative Concept 


Jack in 2000's accidentally heard of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures.

He was already a very metalhead as a drummer at the time and he was shocked by the borderline screamo way of chanting, especially as someone that grew up in a Buddhist household.

He was immediately inspired to start working on rhythms and beats with tons of ideas but it was too difficult to make the desired music, so it took many years.

We have tried a song and performed it in 2007. Although it was not good enough, at least we tried. Finally in 2018, Jack and Andy found the idea to start all the songs.
DHARMA's creative inspiration. https://youtu.be/brm2a8zmGYM

This isn’t the exact song but it’s quite similar. If you are a metal fan, I’m sure you’d probably see where the inspiration came from.
2007 Revilement- 6 Words Admonishment. https://youtu.be/H49F730dVm0

In 2007, we’ve tried and performed one of the songs, but it wasn’t good enough.And in 2018, me and our guitarist Andy finally settled down on some ideas and began to produce solid songs based on mantras.



DHARMA's creative inspiration. https://youtu.be/brm2a8zmGYM

2007Revilement-6 Words Admonishment. https://youtu.be/H49F730dVm0


The Band 

Dharma is quite likely the first band in the world to combine ancient and traditional Buddhist sutras with the modern style of death metal.


After years of refinement by drummer Jack Tung and guitarist Andy Yang, Dharma was finally born, with members hailing from Taiwan and Canada.

Throughout the creative process of the band, the basic tenets of Buddhism were adhered to, with the blessing of a local Buddhist master teacher, and some members have taken refuge in the Three Jewels.





Song Concepts 

Dharma uses the ferocity of death metal to represent the Buddha’s protection. 

Dharma utilizes blast beats and alternative picking to express the furious and dark side of the Buddhist scriptures.

The inherit anger of death metal augments the will of the scriptures to instill within the listener a sense of spiritual relief and undeniable passion through the release of karma.

(Buddhism and Taoism are polytheistic. Each deity is in charge of Its own duties, and each statue takes on a different form, depending on the deity. Dharma represents the Buddha’s guardian stance and furious stance.)







The Band and Buddhism 

Throughout the creative process of the band, the basic tenets of Buddhism were adhered to, with the blessing of a local Buddhist master teacher (Master Song of Taipei), and some members have taken refuge in the Three Jewels.


Master Song / Certificate of Three Jewels 【皈依師父:禪松師父 / 皈依證】

The Learning of Buddhism / Process of taking refuge 【聽經聞法 / 學習步行禪 / 皈依儀軌】


The Name of the Band 

“Dharma” is the cosmic law and order as expressed by the Buddha’s teachings.

The core value is the proper and wise understanding of one’s self through the cosmic law, where all living creatures hold to their roles.

The Chinese name of “Dharma” uses a more commonly known phonetic translation.

No matter you search the English name of “Dharma” or The Chinese name of “Dharma達摩”, all you can find “Dharma”.

DHARMA「法」 是佛根據自己對一切法如實的瞭解而宣示出來的言教,「法」能保障自體性相不變不失,它的核心觀念是“任持自性”,而任持自性是我們對於一切萬事萬法,有智慧、且能正確的認識明瞭,保持萬物各自的本性不改變而稱之。

DHARMA BAND中文名即採用華人所熟知的音譯「達摩」兩字來命名,因此無論觀眾搜尋DHARMA或達摩都有機會接觸佛法。


Costume Design

 The members of Dharma wear haiqing during their performances. A haiqing is a type of formal dress used during various ceremonies.

Dharma wears the haiqing to represent solemnity, and to reflect inner respect and sincerity.



 Live Show Makeup 演出裝扮

All band members except for the master will put on black paint and fake blood during live performances.

This represents the battle scars and blood from fighting the evil deities and karma.
Transgression universally wishing sentient beings, Friends, foes, and karmic creditors)



VJ Design 

Visual effects with Buddhist/Taoist imagery are used, and sutras (lyrics) are shown on the screen so the audience can follow along.




Buddhism originated in India, therefore Dharma performs in Sanskrit, hoping to be as close to the original sutra as possible so the audience would be bathed in Buddhism/Taoism.

It’s fine even if the audience doesn’t understand the sutra or cannot comprehend the pronunciation, as the sutras themselves hold the power and the blessings of the Buddhas.

Sutras in Sanskrit are more than just sounds. They each have their own meanings.

The meanings might be multi-dimensional.

It’s the power of sound, and that’s why Dharma kept the original Sanskrit, hoping the audience can find inner peace and resolution after hearing Dharma’s music.






Incorporating Buddhism (Taoism) Into the Show 

A Dharma performance is more than just performing the songs. It also incorporates Buddhist rituals for the audience to experience, giving the show a theatrical bent.




Transfer of Merit 

Transfer of Merit is a standard part of Buddhist spiritual discipline where the practitioner's religious merit, resulting from good deeds, is transferred to deceased relatives, to deities, or to all sentient beings.

Since all our songs are Sutras and have immense meaning, the transfer of merit is most definitely needed at the end of our shows.

It is also part of incorporating the Buddhist rituals.

